Sunday, October 19, 2008

I am woman, hear me roar!

It isn't women's history month (that's March), but I thought a post about the power of women was in order today because Danielle, Sarah and I have started a women's networking group here in Vancouver, BC. Our first event is quickly approaching (Dec. 3rd - mark your calendars, female Vancouverites!) and it'll be a great night for anyone looking for a little inspiration and motivation during these uncertain economic times. Our speaker is Sue Paish, CEO of Pharmasave and former corporate lawyer. She will be speaking about her new role as CEO of Phasmasave and the process of deciding to leave her job as one of the most powerful corporate lawyers in Canada to pursue her next goal. If you are a "woman on the rise" in your industry, or a woman who already knows what it's like to work your way up the ranks, this event will certainly be of interest to you.