Monday, September 29, 2008

Ignorance is(n't) bliss

Admission of ignorance is often the first step in our education." - Stephen Covey, Daily Reflections for Highly Effective People: Living the Seven Habits

Current mood: Reflective
Currently listening to: Erykah Badu - Baduizm
Currently reading: A Beginner's Guide to Starting a Shop on Etsy

I'm ignorant. There, I said it. And as business guru Stephen Covey states, this is the first step in my education. This is not really a revelation for me, I've always known that I don't know enough (ha!). Today, though, I am speaking specifically about the various aspects of social media marketing/web2.0. I don't know enough and in realizing that I don't know enough I have now embarked on my social media education. A while back, I attended a seminar about social media marketing/web 2.0 and was fascinated by all of the marketing opportunities out there, but I didn't actually make a move to implement any of the strategies at that time. Of course, I've had a facebook page for personal use for ages now, but I didn't use it for any business reasons. I wasn't on Twitter, I didn't know what StumbleUpon was, I knew nothing about RSS feeds/readers, I didn't know about social bookmarking, I didn't know what a mashup was; gosh I could go on and on about what I didn't know!

Anyways, the point is now I know what I didn't know. And I am having a blast right now learning about all of the amazingly effective social media marketing tools out there. I'll be sure to regularly update you on anything I find, since I'm sure I can't be the only social media marketing newbie out there! I'm starting with focusing on how to utilize facebook as an effective, no-cost/low-cost way to market Fave Handbags, since I'm already on Facebook. Right now, my favourite resource for facebook strategy is A lot of people don't realize the opportunities that are available on Facebook, and Mari has tons of great articles about the profit generating side of things.

Now, I'm off to work on my Etsy store and work on increasing my interaction with my Facebook and Twitter network. Here's wishing everyone a productive and educational week!

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