Monday, August 27, 2007

Fave Handbags hits Richmond, BC!

Ok, so I know I said I'd try to blog at least once a week, and then proceeded to NOT blog for a few weeks, but I have a good excuse. We've been working away at getting the online ordering function on the website ready, plus I had a handbag party to plan for this past weekend! The party was in Richmond, and it was a huge success. I'm proud to say we even had a local celebrity grace us with her presence - Joy MacPhail was in the house woohoo! The Mexican Fiesta theme went off without a hitch, empanadas and sangria warmed our bellies and the games and prizes were enjoyed by all. The ladies all got a chance to see the Fave Handbag line up close and play around with all of the fabric choices, and in the end lots of awesome handbag creations were designed that day! Thanks to all the ladies who came out to our fun, fabulous, Fave afternoon!!

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