Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Reverse Psychology at it's best...?

So today on twitter everyone was buzzing about this article from WIRED magazine. In case you don't give a crap what that dude has to say about blogging being dead and all that, I'll give you the coles notes version: blogging is dead, facebook/twitter/flikr are where it's at, anyone who doesn't subscribe to that mentality is dumb.

Angry bloggers enter stage right

So let me get this straight - you are writing what is essentially a glorified blog entry about how "blogging is so over?" Have I got that right? Word to big bird, that is some crazy reverse psychology going on over there. I mean, writing an article that looks like it's meant to make everyone realize that they should stop blogging, only to actually spurn the bloggers into action? It's either extremely hypocritical or superbly sneaky - I can't decide which.


Michelle Mackintosh said...

I just think there's no way blogging can die entirely. You need a home base to share anything more meaningful than whatever you can say in 140 characters.

Lara V said...

So true, Michelle. While it is true that many social networking sites/concepts are fleeting (anyone remember Friendster or MySpace anymore these days?) I believe that blogging is here to stay. And I refuse to believe that anyone will ever get bored or move on from Twitter=Þ